an action item :)

In the ftf one of my action items was to write a replacement for the list 
of impairments catered for in the introduction.

The idea is to give people a sense of context about who and what the 
guidelines are for, some awareness of what user groups and devices exist, 
without opening a Pandora's box of classifying disabilities (which I 
personally felt could get offensive)

I felt that it important to get a proposal on the table, so that we can 
agree if this is the kind of thing we want in principal, and then we 
can  get pedantic about semantics and my grammar.

So in your comments, please remember to say if this is
  the kind of thing that you want content wise
  and the kind of style that we want

It is a bit plagiarized from our home site, but we do not  mind.

<this is it>
Understanding the guidelines involves remembering that not all devices are 
the same, (e.g. keypads, brail readers )  not all systems are the same, 
(e.g. voice browsers, screen magnifiers)  and not all  people are the same. 
(From the visually impaired, low motor coordination, to the learning 
disabled, what make you unique?) In implementing the guidelines one must 
attempt to cater for the maximum number of people in the maximum number of 
scenarios. This can be achieved though a single accessible rendering or 
multiple accessible renderings that are optimized for different situations.
</this is it>

Received on Thursday, 12 July 2001 10:00:35 UTC