from January 2012 by subject

2nd CfP PPSN 2012 - 12th Int. Conf. on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 1-5 September, 2012 Taormina, Italy

2nd CfP: Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS 2012)

2nd CFP: Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2012) Workshop at WWW2012

[bioportal-announce] BioPortal 3.6 Released

[iciw2011] Computational Biology Position open at iCubed in Providence Rhode Island

ANN: LDIF - Linked Data Integration Framework Version 0.4 Scale-Out released.

Biomedical Semantics and Cloud Computing Survey

Call for Papers - Journal of Medical Systems - SI on New Trends on Biomedical Knowledge Acquisition and Information Processing Systems

CfP: 9th OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop (OWLED 2012), Heraklion, Crete, May 27-28, 2012

CfP: Semantic Interoperability in Medical Informatics (SIMI2012) workshop in conjunction with ESWC 2012

CFP: Special Issue "Managing Interoperability and compleXity in Health Systems" with J. of Biomedical Semantics

Connecting scientific publications with underlying research data sets

CSHALS - Reminder - Early registration ends Jan 20th! Register today

DEADLINE EXTENSION: new: Feb 12 for FOIS 2012 (Formal Ontology in Information Systems)

Evidence of Significance of Semantic Web for Life Sciences

Evidence of Significance of Semantic Web for Life Sciences - a couple of more examples

Final call for submission: International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies

FOIS 2012: Call for Papers (7th Int. Conf. on Formal Ontology in Information Systems)

Future of Scholarly Communication

Fwd: [iciw2011] Computational Biology Position open at iCubed in Providence Rhode Island

Fwd: New International standard for thesauri published

FYI: NLM-funded postdoc positions at U of Pittsburgh DBMI

HCLS conference call

HCLS SciDiscourse call Monday January 23, 2012, Use Case overview

HCLS SciDiscourse call Monday January 23, 2012, Use Case overview; Talk on DOMEO planned for January 30

LODD telcon Jan. 26 Thu 12PM EDT / 6PM CET

LODD telcon this Thu 10AM EDT / 4PM CET

NCBO Webinar: Simon Jupp, Feb. 1 - Applying ontologies to biomedical data; views, rules and annotation tools

NIH Public Access Policy IN DANGER???!!!

no TM call today

of possible interest [Drug Discovery Today]: "Systems chemical biology and the Semantic Web: what they mean for the future of drug discovery research "

Oh Yeah? PROV it!

Reminder: BioRDF telcon on Monday at 11AM EDT (4PM UK, 5PM CET)

review of biomedical research on the web?

Scholarly communication, the next generation

Second CfP: 18th Int. Conf. on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2012)

Semantic Web Journal CFP: Linked Data for Health Care and the Life Sciences

semantic web services review?

server maintenance @ carleton

TM conference call

TMO @ Bio-IT World

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 2012 04:04:43 UTC