Re: Update [Agenda] MLW-LT call 26 November, 4 p.m. UTC

Hi Felix,

My regrets, today I can't participate in the call.

Sorry and cheers -- Jörg

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 06:22 (UTC+1), Felix Sasaki wrote:
> Changes:
> - Yves' mail about M2 added to test suite topic. May influence the M2
> characteristics.
> - Further changes to the draft, need reviewer.
> - toolsRef thread
> - qi type feedback
> Time: 26 November, 4 p.m. UTC. See
> 1) Test suite
> Leroy et al. are only "managing" the test suite - data category owners
> need to play an active role in checking and creating the files. Goal:
> distribute related action items. Leroy, feel free to create a wish list
> before the call of areas that want contributions and also people you'd
> like to engage.
> Discussion on nature of M2, see
> Question: which approach to choose for M2, see above mail.
> 2) Drop localization quality precis
> Not a lot of work has gone into this data category (e.g. action-295
> checking global rules example in localization precis is not done), and
> the implementation commitment is thin. I propose to drop this from the
> last call draft - implementors can do what Pedro et al. did with
> "readyness". Once lq precis is stable it can go into the next version of
> ITS. Thoughts?
> 3) Issues
> 3.1) New issues
> For the "last call" draft we need to be free of issues in the spec.
> Please think hard about what could stop us from moving forward.
> 3.2) Closing ISSUE-42 tools information
> Missing bit: tools information in global rules handling, see
> Comments before the call are very welcome :)
> Latest thread at
> 4) Actions needed for the LC draft
> action-286 Put data category table into non-normative appendix in the spec
> Shaun, can you get this done by 26 November, so that we have time for a
> review?
> action-297 Address Query Language related Ed notes in draft
> Jirka, same question.
> Also related: do you think the update of the RELAX NG schema in sec.
> will be in time? Should these schemas be normative then?
> action-314 Check global rules for provenance
> done, see thread at
> Is there a need to make edits before the last call draft for this?
> action-315 Rework
> to use XLIFF
> how does this related to action-314 and what edits are needed?
> action-308 update list of pointer attributes done, see
> action-311 check about harmonization of interval values. Done, see
> question: and further action for last call draft needed?
> action-313 check data category overview table - will be done by Tuesday
> Reviewer for changes needed - see the changes described at
> 5) Editing calls Tue - Wed
> It might make sense to have the 3-4 hours spend in this way: decide what
> to edit, edit in parallel, review edits together.
> 6) Stability of quality issue types
> are the qi types stable to be implemented? Daniel Naber (language tool
> developer) is asking. See further feedback here
> 7)AOB
> 8) EU PROJECT SPECIFIC (but no secrets, everybody feel free to stay)
> presentations and public outreach - input needed for M12 report - work
> package sanity check.
> - Felix

Received on Monday, 26 November 2012 13:39:20 UTC