RE: Info on Webinar & Update of Milesones! (Implementor? Please read!)

Hi Dom, all,

Just one minor comment:

> M2:     17th December 2012 - Implementors have run at least 
> one global and one local test file, for each of their data 
> categories. One XML and one HTML as well.

The milestone above implies that developers implement at least partially all their data categories for M2.

While I understand this goal tries to help the WG to assess the progress in all areas, this may not be the best or preferred way developers want to implement their support. It's usually far more efficient to implement one data category completely then move to the next one, or all XML support, then HTML, etc. 

I'm not saying M2 should be changed, but don't be surprised if some don't make that deadline.
It doesn't actually mean much anyway: one can implement the easy parts first and leave the hard parts for after; that may get you to M2 but is probably less meaningful than another implementer doing 50% of all its data categories completely (so not getting to M2, but probably in better shape to get to M3).


Received on Friday, 23 November 2012 21:29:48 UTC