Re: Simple assert on descendant nodes does not throw error

> On 12 Sep 2016, at 10:41, Christophe Marchand <> wrote:
> You are right, George, attribute value was always true.
> I've changed attribute definition by a xs:boolean restriction with a pattern 'true', and that works perfectly.
> Mikael, according to George response, this shouldn't work in Saxon, no ?

Not sure how to answer a question with a double negative...

George spotted something I failed to spot in your schema. I encountered a different problem, which is that it fails in a way that is hard to explain if you don't enable xsd-version="1.1".

It always helps, when you say that something doesn't work, if you tell us how it fails. That way we won't make the mistake, when we hit a problem, of assuming that it's the same as the problem you encountered.

If you make the change that George suggests then it will work in Saxon.

Michael Kay

Received on Monday, 12 September 2016 09:49:54 UTC