Re: Simple assert on descendant nodes does not throw error

You are correct, Michael, the double negative wasn't easy...

But with both your contributions, everything now satisfies my needs !

Thanks again,


Le 12/09/2016 à 11:49, Michael Kay a écrit :
>> On 12 Sep 2016, at 10:41, Christophe Marchand <> wrote:
>> You are right, George, attribute value was always true.
>> I've changed attribute definition by a xs:boolean restriction with a pattern 'true', and that works perfectly.
>> Mikael, according to George response, this shouldn't work in Saxon, no ?
> Not sure how to answer a question with a double negative...
> George spotted something I failed to spot in your schema. I encountered a different problem, which is that it fails in a way that is hard to explain if you don't enable xsd-version="1.1".
> It always helps, when you say that something doesn't work, if you tell us how it fails. That way we won't make the mistake, when we hit a problem, of assuming that it's the same as the problem you encountered.
> If you make the change that George suggests then it will work in Saxon.
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica

Received on Monday, 12 September 2016 09:59:33 UTC