Re: Simple assert on descendant nodes does not throw error

You are right, George, attribute value was always true.

I've changed attribute definition by a xs:boolean restriction with a 
pattern 'true', and that works perfectly.

Mikael, according to George response, this shouldn't work in Saxon, no ?

Is there any ambiguous definition around @fixed attribute in xs:attribute ?

Thanks to both of you,


Le 12/09/2016 à 10:02, George Bina a écrit :
> Hi,
> In your schema
>  <xs:attribute name="traceActive" type="xs:boolean" fixed="true" 
> use="optional"/>
> ***
> The fixed attribute indicates that the attribute value if present must 
> equal the supplied constraint value, and if absent receives the 
> supplied value as for default.
> ***
> will force the traceActive attribute to be available with the value 
> "true", even if it is not added explicitly to the XML document, thus 
> the assertion will fail on the first pipe element.
> Best Regards,
> George
> -- 
> George Cristian Bina
> <oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
> On 12/09/16 09:24, Christophe Marchand wrote:
>> Following your suggests, I still can not manage to make it run 
>> correctly.
>> Attached is a simplified schema and a XML file that contains 4 samples :
>> the 3 first are expected to be valid, the last one to be invalid.
>> I use oXygen 17.0 on dev side, & xerces 2.12-beta-r1667115 on prod side.
>> Thanks in advance for your help...
>> Christophe
>> Le 07/09/2016 à 10:55, Michael Kay a écrit :
>>> The fact that you use cfg:TPipe to refer to the type is a clue that
>>> the schema has a targetNamespace which you haven't shown us. This
>>> would suggest that the pipe element is also in a namespace which you
>>> haven't shown us, and if this is the case then my guess is that the
>>> xslt element is also in a namespace, in which case the XPath
>>> expression in the assertion needs to use a prefixed name to refer to
>>> it (or to declare a default XPath namespace).
>>> Michael Kay
>>> Saxonica
>>>> On 6 Sep 2016, at 17:21, Christophe Marchand <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I've just added a simple assert to my schema, and I can not get
>>>> errors validating wrong documents. I can nto find why.
>>>> Any help will be much appreciated...
>>>> Best,
>>>> Christophe
>>>> My schema :
>>>>     <xs:complexType name="TPipe">
>>>>         <xs:sequence>
>>>>             <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
>>>>                 <xs:element name="xslt" />
>>>>                 ...
>>>>             </xs:choice>
>>>>         </xs:sequence>
>>>>         <xs:attribute name="nbThreads" type="xs:integer" default="1"
>>>> use="optional"/>
>>>>         <xs:attribute name="mutiThreadMaxSourceSize"/>
>>>>         <xs:attribute name="traceOutput" type="xs:string"/>
>>>>         <xs:assert test="if(not(./@traceOutput)) then
>>>> empty(descendant::xslt[@traceActive='true']) else true()"/>
>>>>     </xs:complexType>
>>>>     <xs:element name="pipe" type="cfg:TPipe"/>
>>>> The document I expect an error to be thrown for :
>>>>     <pipe nbThreads="1" mutiThreadMaxSourceSize="" >
>>>>                 <xslt href="src/test/resources/identity.xsl"
>>>> traceActive="true"/>
>>>>                 <output id="pipe1" >
>>>>                     <folder absolute="./target/generated-test-files"/>
>>>>                     <fileName name="${basename}-pipe1.xml"/>
>>>>                 </output>
>>>>     </pipe>

Received on Monday, 12 September 2016 09:42:18 UTC