Re: Best Practices for Establishing Namespace Name

On 9/2/09 4:39 AM, "Henry S. Thompson" <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Tsao, Scott writes:


>> The committee (we are participating in) seems to think that we
>> should register a formal URN namespace for "global" uses like OASIS
>> and S1000D have done [1], because that would allow us to use this
>> unique namespace as part of our schema namespace structure for
>> different schemas in different specifications.
> Why doesn't the same apply for e.g. http://[your committee]/namespaces/xxx?
> Which has the additional benefit that as I mentioned before, you can
> document your namespace at that URI...

I had been under the impression that the Namespace recommendation
specifically prohibited namespace URIs from being resolvable to anything.
But I see that in the 1.1 version it says

" It is not a goal that it be directly usable for retrieval *of a schema*
(if any exists)." [Emphasis mine.]

Which definitely allows the use Henry suggests.

I had always thought that URNs were preferable simply because they *aren't*
resolvable by any generally-available infrastructure.

But having a URL that has documentation at the other end of it seems


Eliot Kimber | Senior Solutions Architect | Really Strategies, Inc.
email: <>
office: 610.631.6770 | cell: 512.554.9368
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Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2009 13:13:36 UTC