[ANN] CodeSynthesis XSD/e 3.0.0 released
[ANN] Xml Schema Lightener 2.0 utility: making schemas simpler
ANN: Altova MissionKit v2009 release
AW: Best way to ensure one element out of a set
Best way to ensure one element out of a set
Differences in derivation by extension of complex types between Schema 1.0 and 1.1
Doubt in non-deterministic content model
Doubt in Unique Particle Attribution Constraint
emptiable content in particle inheritance
Including schema with target namespace from schema with no target namespace
schemaLocation declaration after namespace usage
the meaning of lax
whether the given schema is non-deterministic or not
XML Schema 1.1
Last message date: Friday, 20 February 2009 22:34:48 UTC