Re: Conditional Levels of a Schema

Arshad Noor wrote:
> By encrypting the data and placing just a reference to the
> key-identifier (using the XML Encryption XSD), you can now
> use a single XSD for your own data and leave the patient
> data in there all the time (minOccurs="1" all the time).

Interesting point, and it certainly is a solution for the case of the
patient records. For some other stuff like  "nice-to-have but better leave
out if not required" (calibration) it is not an options. 

I see the problem in the fact that this required decryption logic on the
client side (but I may be wrong here, correct me please). It is an
attractive feature for the hospitals to use the XML format to display
customized reports; is it possible to transparently tell the browser "get
your encoding if you can"?


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