Re: enabling/disabling assertions

On 16/01/2008, Michael Kay <> wrote:
> There's a conditional inclusion mechanism in XSDL 1.1
> that answers part of the requirement; it's designed to enable facilities to
> be ignored based on the version of XSDL supported by the processor. It's
> been designed in the (perhaps optimistic) hope that it can be retrofitted to
> XSDL 1.0 processors.

Thanks - I'm being optimistic... Xerces doesn't seem to like:

<xs:assert vc:minVersion="1.1" test="..."/>

Is that the correct use?

> There's nothing in the spec however that allows you to switch off assertion
> checking if you're using a 1.1 processor that supports the facility. It
> could be a product option, however.

I was thinking more along the lines of a 1.0 process would validate
using the schema ignoring the assertions, while a 1.1 processor would
evaluate them.

That would allow me to put assertions in the schema now, and
distribute the schema, without the need for everyone to have a 1.1
processor to validate using it (with what would be assertion failing
being caught by the application as usual).

Maybe I'm thinking about this wrongly...

Andrew Welch

Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2008 15:29:15 UTC