RE: enabling/disabling assertions

> Thanks - I'm being optimistic... Xerces doesn't seem to like:
> <xs:assert vc:minVersion="1.1" test="..."/>
> Is that the correct use?

Yes, that's the correct use, but I wouldn't expect Xerces to add it to their
product until the 1.1 spec is a bit more solid. They don't want to be stuck
with supporting it if say the attribute names change!

I've been wondering about how to tackle this in Saxon - the next release
will have more 1.1 features than just xs:assert. One solution might simply
be a stylesheet that comments-out 1.1 features from the schema. A bit hard
to get that working automatically with xsi:schemaLocation though.

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2008 15:49:03 UTC