RE: using entities from dtd in schema

> I have come to realize that it is always you who answers my 
> silly questions :-) Okay, I understand. So I have to explain 
> a liite more: I am writing a schema for Word 2007 templates 
> which should be validated against a schema. My structure is 
> clear so far. But the author should only be allowed to use 
> some special charcters. And those special characters, e.g. 
> greek characters, should be defined inside the schema, if 
> this is possible?

You can use the xs:pattern facet to control which characters can legally
appear in the value of an element or attribute. But you can't control the
different ways of writing such characters - directly, via entity references,
or via character references. If they're allowed at all, then they can be
written in any way that XML permits.

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2008 18:45:38 UTC