Re: using entities from dtd in schema

Hello Ken,

I have come to realize that it is always you who answers my silly  
questions :-)
Okay, I understand. So I have to explain a liite more: I am writing a  
schema for Word 2007 templates which should be validated against a  
schema. My structure is clear so far. But the author should only be  
allowed to use some special charcters. And those special characters,  
e.g. greek characters, should be defined inside the schema, if this is  

I hope this explanation now is more clear to the list :-)

Thanks a lot,

Quoting "G. Ken Holman" <>:

> At 2008-02-26 20:35 +0100, Andreas Peter wrote:
>> my problem is that I have a DTD including lots of entities for greek
>> characters, special characters and so on.
> Those are used for resolving the text content of the references made in
> your XML document.
>> I need them in my schema.
> A schema is used for defining the model of your document.
> The two purposes are different.
>> I´ve read that every entity must be written under schema as a separate
>> element.
> I don't know what you mean by that ... entities and elements are
> different things.
>> Is it possible, although DTDs are not xml syntax, to
>> reference from a schema to the DTD entities?
> What is it you are trying to do with that reference?
>> I tried to convert some
>> entities to schema using oxygenxml dtd => schema but the entities get
>> lost, as expected. Is there a suitable solution under schema?
> Solution to what?
>> Thanks for helping me,
> Help us answer you ... at least I for one don't know what you are asking.
> An document isn't an XML instance if there are no declarations for
> entities that are being used, because then the document isn't
> well-formed.
> W3C Schema validates well-formed documents.
> W3C Schema was defined long after XML was defined, so it isn't possible
> to somehow express entity declarations in W3C Schema in a way that a
> well-formedness check of the document will find the document to be XML.
> I hope this helps.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
> --
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> G. Ken Holman       
> Crane Softwrights Ltd.
> Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0    +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995)
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Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2008 18:32:09 UTC