RE: using entities from dtd in schema

Hello Michael,

thanks for the reply. This is what I thought. So I have to define  
elements with facets for each special character. Lot of work for me :-(

Thanks so far,

Quoting Michael Kay <>:

>> I have come to realize that it is always you who answers my
>> silly questions :-) Okay, I understand. So I have to explain
>> a liite more: I am writing a schema for Word 2007 templates
>> which should be validated against a schema. My structure is
>> clear so far. But the author should only be allowed to use
>> some special charcters. And those special characters, e.g.
>> greek characters, should be defined inside the schema, if
>> this is possible?
> You can use the xs:pattern facet to control which characters can legally
> appear in the value of an element or attribute. But you can't control the
> different ways of writing such characters - directly, via entity references,
> or via character references. If they're allowed at all, then they can be
> written in any way that XML permits.
> Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2008 19:59:14 UTC