Re: [xmlschema-dev] <none> wrote:


> Is there anyone who can give me more information about the
> development of newer Schema version like 2.0? I'd need more support
> for checking co-relation (or how they call it) and using validation
> based on attribute value.

  The canonical name is "co-occurrence constraints" and has been added
to XSDL 1.1 with xs:assert.  If you don't want to rely on a working
draft, you can also see Schematron, the ISO standard for co-occurrence
constraints for XML.  If you want xs:assert but don't want its
restrictions on XPath expressions, you can use Saxon SA (I think it
implements completely xs:assert, but with full XPath 2.0 support.)



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Received on Friday, 4 April 2008 17:33:20 UTC