Xml Schema profile

Hi Folks,

I know that in some circles the idea of creating a profile for Xml Schema meets with politically strong feelings.  There
are those that argue that we should shame tools makers into supporting 100% of the Xml Schema spec.  Still others
believe Xml Schema is too complex and needs to be simplified.

I am advocating neither of these views.  I believe that profiling Xml Schema will better enable folks to take advantage
of "best of breed" tools as they come out, instead of having to wait until each tool implements 100% of the spec.  And
let's face it, at best only a few tools makers will go to lengths to support 100% of any spec, let alone Xml Schema.
Rather than limit oneself to a very few tools, we could create a profile that identifies the most commonly used and
easily implemented aspects of the spec.  We could even have a "full" version of schemas and a "tools" version which
would be complimentary.

At any rate, this is all a preface for telling you of our work on a profile for Xml Schema.  We have a fairly extensive
one internally and are beginning to document it externally.  I've created a few blog postings on this as a beginning.
Some items in our profile are just good practices and others are more of a profile nature.

Here are the first postings:

* The case for profiling http://www.hr-xml.org/blog/?p=47
* No default values http://www.hr-xml.org/blog/?p=26
* No xsd:union http://www.hr-xml.org/blog/?p=17
* No xsd:all http://www.hr-xml.org/blog/?p=64

I hope to post entries on this topic as I am able.  Please let me know what your comments/thoughts/error corrections


Received on Wednesday, 19 July 2006 16:44:55 UTC