Re: Image information in XML

Hi Pete,
Yes, I did figured out. But I still do not know how efficient it will be with regards to performance. That is for example, if we have lots of images in each document, we need to base64 encode the images and then compress it before embedding it into XML. I am currently testing this part to analyse the performance.
Thanks again

Pete Cordell <> wrote:

Hi Shashi,

Yes. You can compress the whole of the XML message with the image data 
contained in it. Just looking at the JPEG part of a payload I did some 
quick tests and it seems that compressing would compensate for the base64 

JPEG file: 105,482 bytes (where , has its UK meaning)
JPEG -> ZIP file: 105,417 bytes (implies JPEG is working well!)
JPEG -> Base64 file: 144,346 bytes (includes some extra line feeds in 
addition to 4/3 expansion)
JPEG -> Base64 -> ZIP file: 109, 293 bytes

This does show that compressing can get back much of what you loose by 
Base64 encoding.


Pete Cordell
Tech-Know-Ware Ltd
for XML to C++ data binding visit

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shashikala Shamarao" 
To: "Pete Cordell" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: Image information in XML

> Hi Pete,
> Thanks for the response. Is it possible to compress the data after it has 
> been encoded.
> Thanks,
> Shashi
> Pete Cordell 
> Hi Shashi,
> The normal approach is to base64 encode binary data
> ( (or hex encode). This does result
> in some data expansion though. Every 3 bytes will be turned into 4. I
> don't know of any other solution that would work with a standard XML 
> parser,
> although some multiple file / out of band technique may work.
> Pete.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Shashikala Shamarao"
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:06 AM
> Subject: Image information in XML
>> Hi,
>> Currently I am stuck with a problem realted to image in XML.
>> I want to know how can I send image information in XML like below.
>> My XML response should look like:
>> contains binary data
>> contains binary data
>> contains binary data
>> I looked at multipart MIME, these define a boundary at the begining say
>> "bounary1" and at the end of every content whose mime type is different,
>> boundary will be defined. What I am wondering is, is it possible to 
>> define
>> boundary for each element , so I can send the bit by bit
>> information to the parser instead of waiting for the whole document to be
>> created in memory and then sending it to parser?
>> Any answers would be appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Shashi
> --
> =============================================
> Pete Cordell
> Tech-Know-Ware Ltd
> for XML to C++ data binding visit
> (or
> =============================================
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Received on Thursday, 29 September 2005 16:03:16 UTC