Wildcards and namespace constraints. What about the local name?


Does the following:

3.10.1  The Wildcard Schema Component



    There must be a top-level declaration for the item available, or the
item must have an xsi:type, and the item must be .valid. as appropriate.


mean that the *local name* of the element i.i. (matching a wildcard) is
not constrained when the element carries an  xsi:type  attribute?

The *namespace name* of the element i.i. *is* constrained by the
namespace constraint in the wildcard declaration.  However, as for *the
local name*, the above sentence seems to imply that there doesn't need
to be a top-level declaration available for the element i.i., provided
that the element i.i. declares its type with  xsi:type.  This implies
that any local name is fine. 

Am I overlooking something?

Alessandro Triglia
OSS Nokalva

Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2003 14:18:46 UTC