Re: Semantics of a list datatype derived from another list


"Henry S. Thompson" wrote:

> > I am implementing a Schema parser w.r.t the 24/10/2000 version, and
> > I run into a problem with the definition of a list datatype.  As
> > specified in 5.1.2, "a list datatype must be derived from an atomic
> > or a list datatype, know as the itemType of the list...".
> That's a known typo, will be corrected to 'atomic or _union_
> datatype'.
> Re another reply, you can include a list in a union, but that still
> doesn't allow  a list of lists -- a union used as the item type of a
> list can't contain any lists.

I've had I look at the new specification (PR) and it says that a list datatype
must be derived from an atomic type: List datatypes

"list datatypes are always derived. The value space of a list datatype is a set of
finite-length sequences of atomic values. The lexical space of a list datatype is
a set of literals whose internal structure is a white space separated sequence of
literals of the atomic datatype of the items in the list (where whitespace matches
S in [XML 1.0 (Second Edition)])."

My interpretation is that a list type must be derived from atomic types only and
not atomic or union types. Is this correct?


Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2001 18:00:48 UTC