Re: [Moderator Action] Extending attributes

On 2001Mar09 04:10AM Henry wrote:
"and even in the case of complex types, you can't add back something once
you've taken it away".

Does this mean that if complexType B restricts complexType A (perhaps by
making the last particle of the sequence maxOccurs="0"), and complexType C
is derived from complexType B, and complexType D extends from complexType
C, it cannot change the maxOccurs back to 1 for the particle?

What section of the spec explains this?

My concern is that if another schema <include>s the schema with complexType
C defined, the "effective content model"  for C is not the only thing that
needs to be thought about before extending it, but also any restrictions
that have happened in its ancestor types.


Received on Saturday, 17 March 2001 23:07:26 UTC