Re: Mixing schemaLocation and noNamespaceSchemaLocation? wrote:
> The W3C has made the tradeoff of developing specifications in stages,
> taking each to Recommendation status and then building more.  Locally
> scoped elements were not anticipated by XML 1.0, the Namespaces
> recommendation, or by current versions of XSL/Xpath.   For better or
> worse, they were added by the Schemas rec.  

True, and if they're going to to happen they're going to happen. But
they'll have to replace the sentence from section 5.2 of the namespace

"If the URI reference in a default namespace declaration is empty, then
unprefixed elements in the scope of the declaration are not considered
to be in any namespace."

with something like:

"If the URI reference in a default namespace declaration is empty, then
unprefixed elements in the scope of the declaration are unqualified but
may or may not be considered to be in some other namespace for which a
non-default namespace declaration is also in scope."


Received on Monday, 18 June 2001 00:32:13 UTC