Re: Definitive validator of instances against schemas

Of course, I'll ditto Henry, but I'll add a few things.

There is an OASIS working group for defining an XML Schema conformance test suite (similar to the XML conformance suite).  Having a thorough test suite is much more beneficial than a reference
implementation since a thorough test suite can give you multiple implementations that interoperate.

In the interim, I think that is you get your expected behavior from both XSV and the Oracle Schema processor in Java then you should have relatively high confidence that your schema adheres to the
spec.  If they both reject your document, then your schema probably does not adhere to the schema.  If they disagree, then you have either an implementation issue (bug or not yet implemented) or the
spec was unclear on something.

Received on Thursday, 4 January 2001 13:07:07 UTC