Re: XSV Crash on XHTML Schema

> Maybe there is a very simple error in there that I'm missing still. Maybe I
> need to qualify these groups as well, but in the XHTML Simple NS like:-
> <group name="html.content">
>   <sequence>
>      <element ref="head" minOccurs="1" />
>      <element ref="body" minOccurs="1" />
>   </sequence>
> </group>
> <attributeGroup name="html.attlist">
>     <attributeGroup ref="i18n" />
> </attributeGroup>
> <element name="html">
>   <complexType>
>     <group ref="xhtmls:html.content" />
>     <attributeGroup ref="xhtmls:html.attlist" />
>   </complexType>
> </element>
> But that still gives:-
> Error:
> Undeclared attribute group xhtmls
> {}:html.attlist
> referenced
> Error:
> Undefined group xhtmls
> {}:html.content
> referenced from content model
> I'm convinced I'm just missing something very simple.

Yes, you do need to qualify these references as well. I'm not sure if you have
changed the targetNamespace for you're schemas but the schemas I downloaded and
tested on used the targetNamespace In the above
error message it seems you're using the namespace This could be the problem or it
could be related to 4) below.

I've downloaded all the schemas you're using for the XHTML and I found a couple
of more things that were incorrect:

1) In the group "block" in block.xsd you reference two elements, "headings" and
"lists" but these are actually declared as groups so you need to reference them
as <group ref="headings"> and <group ref="lists"> instead of <element ref=...>

2) In attribute group "link.attlist" in structure.xsd you have a reference to a
type named "Rel". This type is not defined anywhere.

3) In some of the schemas you reference a type named "URI". This type doesn't
exist but maybe you mean the built in type "uriReference"?

4) In all schemas where you reference types defined in other schemas you need
to include the definitions using the <include> element. E.g. in structure.xsd
you need to include the common.xsd since it references declarations from this


Received on Thursday, 8 February 2001 18:06:29 UTC