Re: XSV Crash on XHTML Schema

Rick Jelliffe wrote:

> The current CR does not allow direct fixing of attribute values of
> attributes from foreign namespaces. At the moment, the easiest workaround
> seems to be to simply redefine them with fixed values.  There may be some
> more information on this in the next few days.

How does this work?
I was under the impression that the only thing you could redefine in XSD was
datatypes and then you need to use the <redefine> element which means that
the targetNamespaces need to be the same (or declared without namespace). But
in this case you're saying that

<attribute name="xml:space">
      <restriction base="xml:spaceX">
         <enumeration value="preserve"/>

will actually redefine the xml:space attribute to only allow the value
"preserve". Is this correct?


Received on Thursday, 8 February 2001 17:46:24 UTC