Re: [Ann.] XML Schema FAQ

Edmund Mitchell wrote:
> Hello Francis:
> I'd like to say thanks-I think that people like myself, trying to learn
> Schemas, will really benefit from this.
> Edmund M
Thanks for the encouragement!

> I like what Dave Pawson has done with the XSL FAQ, although I don't know if
> the nature of XML Schema will lend itself to a repitition of that format.

It's a good FAQ. What in particular do you like about it?

Do you have strong feeling about the superiority of multi-doc vs.
single-doc FAQs? I'm currently trying to hold the FAQ as a single
document for all the wrong reasons - I just think it is cool and
potentially useful to hold the FAQ itself in XML, then generate the HTML
via a stylesheet. And XSLT can't generate multiple outputs without using
implementation specific extensions. But if it turns into a usability
problem then I will rethink it.


Received on Friday, 2 February 2001 12:04:31 UTC