Re: the case of two bats

David Carlisle wrote:

>   A document such as
>         <aDoc xmlns:a="./foo" xmlns:b="././foo">
>           <a:bat>baseball bat</a:bat>
>           <b:bat>flying bat</b:bat>
>         </aDoc>
>   would suffer a change in interpretation under the "expand the xmlns..."
>   change, but I haven't seen any evidence that such documents
>   are in use.
> No but this sort of document is more likely
>         <aDoc xmlns:a="foo" >
>           <a:bat>baseball bat</a:bat>
>           <a:bat>flying bat</a:bat>
>         </aDoc>
> If you change the namespace spec then this document becomes a completely
> new kind of beast: an XML document whose element names change as the
> document is copied from one place to another.

Wait a minute.  The element names in this example are aDoc and a:bat.  The
value of the xmlns attribute has no effect on what the element names are.
It is used only in the uniqueness tests of Sec. 5.3 of the namespace spec.
Even its use in XPath affects only expanded names, not element names.

Paul Abrahams

Received on Sunday, 21 May 2000 21:11:26 UTC