Grammar of XML1.1 ambiguous?

The opening production rule for XML1.1 seems wrong, although it's
difficult to tell exactly what the problem is

since the precedence of the - operator is not defined.


it might mean :

case 1 : - higher than concatentation:

document    ::=    prolog element (Misc*- Char*) RestrictedCharChar*


Thus no Misc content is now allowed, equivalent to 

document    ::=    prolog element RestrictedCharChar*


Or case 2, concatenation higher than -:

document    ::=    (prolog element Misc*) - (Char*  RestrictedCharChar*)

Eliminating all but the null document.


Or case 3

concatenation equal to -: (left associative)

document    ::=    ((prolog element Misc*) - Char*)  RestrictedCharChar*

Only a sequence of restricted chars allowed.


Or maybe something else. What was the actual intention?



Received on Sunday, 7 March 2004 13:33:03 UTC