make allowance for "non-English" characters in public identifiers

Regarding an action I took for the OASIS Entity Resolution 
Technical Committee as follows:

>Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 10:51:50 -0800
>From: Lauren Wood <>
>Subject: minutes from ER TC teleconference 20010122

>Sub-issue 9: we could urge the XML Core WG to allow non-English
>characters in public IDs. The production is 12. Our attribute value is a
>string of publicid characters. 
>Action on Paul to submit this to the XML Core WG. 

It was discussed again during today's telcon, and it was agreed
that making such a change could not be an erratum to XML 1.0, but
would rather be something for a revision of XML.  Therefore, it
was agreed that I should send the above comment in to xml-editor
for future consideration.

Paul Grosso
 for the OASIS ER TC

Received on Monday, 19 February 2001 15:17:26 UTC