Re: Regarding XML Proposed Erratum 71

At 13:14 2001 06 14 +0900, Martin Duerst wrote:
>Dear XML core WG,
>By chance, I just discovered Proposed Erratum 71:
>It is true that this is a bit vague in not saying who is
>responsible for the escaping, but this has been fixed by
>PE 51/E4 to say that the XML processor is responsible:

Right, but I think this erratum is wrong, so I'm asking to
reopen this issue.  A system id should be a string to the
XML processor, and that's what production 11 makes clear.
Escaping may be necessary before doing something URI-ish
with the string, but that should be done by the process
doing something URI-ish, not the XML processor.  Norm
explains how an entity resolution process is one example
of why the XML processor should not to the escaping.


Received on Thursday, 14 June 2001 10:20:16 UTC