RE: Wire Trace approach to MEP/Binding descriptions.


I would certainly be in favour of having this incorporated into the WD. 

It is clear and succinct, yet accurate - properties which are needed
(but, alas, often missing) in technical specs. 

Eamon O'Tuathail


	SOReq		Start-of-Request
	EOReq		End-of-Request
	SOResp	Start-of-Response
	EOResp	End-of-Response
	fail		Some abnormal termination.

srr-exchange = SOReq.(  EOReq.(SOResp.(EOResp | fail) | fail)
                      | SOResp.(   EOReq.(EOResp | fail)
                                 | EOResp.(EOReq | fail)
                                 | fail) )
                      | fail ).stop

Can be rearranged as:

srr-exchange = SOReq.S1
	S1 = EOReq.S2  | SOResp.S3 | (fail.stop)
	S2 = SOResp.S4 | (fail.stop)
	S3 = EOReq.S4  | EOResp.S5 | (fail.stop)
	S4 = EOResp.stop | (fail.stop)
	S5 = EOReq.stop  | (fail.stop)

Each line effectively repesents a state.

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2002 05:24:18 UTC