Re: Issue 146 proposed resolution


Henrik Frystyk Nielsen wrote:

>I think this is fine - thanks for writing this up!
>>"A SOAP Node that acts in the role of the anonymous actor with 
>>respect to a particular SOAP message becomes the ultimate 
>>recipient of that SOAP message. Such a SOAP node is 
>>responsible for processing all parts of the message intended 
>>for the anonymous actor, including the body, according to the 
>>rules described in this section. The SOAP message path for 
>>that message ends at the ultimate recipient. However, the 
>>ultimate recipient may delegate all or part of its 
>>responsibility to other entities. The ultimate recipient may 
>>happen to use distinct SOAP message exchanges to interact with 
>>such entities. Nevertheless, responsibility for the processing 
>>of parts of a SOAP message targetted at the anonymous actor 
>>rests with the ultimate recipient of that message".

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 14:02:37 UTC