Re: Issue 25 Proposals from the f2f


Jacek Kopecky wrote:
> [ snip ]
>  Proposal #1
>  ===========
>  "Trailers are not subject to the processing rules for
> header/body entries described in Section 2. However, the
> information carried in a trailer may be accessed when processing
> header/body entries.
>  Intermediaries MUST by default (unless they know otherwise)
> forward the trailers unchanged with the forwarded message."
> [ snip ]

I think you made a good point that the proposal should state not only
if intermediaries are allowed to remove trailers but also if they are
allowed to change them.
However, I think this last sentence should either be:
1. Intermediaries MUST forward the trailers unchanged with the
forwarded message.
2. Intermediaries SHOULD forward the trailers unchanged with the
forwarded message.

I would prefer 1, as if an intermediary really need to change the
content of a trailer, it may just add a new trailer with the updated
content, leaving the older trailer unchanged for any other part of
the message referring to it.


Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2001 03:35:24 UTC