Re: [DS4] Remote Procedure Call (RPC) - revised

With thanks to Frank, DS4 now becomes:

The sender invokes the service by passing parameters that are serialised
into a message for transmission to the receiving server.
DS4  A receiving server offers a service which may be invoked
programmatically by a sender. The
                sender invokes the service by passing parameters that are
serialised into a message for
                transmission to the receiving server. The receiving server
deserialises the message and
                invokes the service. The results of the service are then
returned to the sender as a serialised
                response. An example of a sender's invocation may be price
= getStockQuote("ORCL",  "1/1/97").

instead of:-
DS4  A receiving server offers a service which may be invoked
programmatically by a sender. The
                sender invokes the service by setting parameters in a local
object whose properties are then
     serialised into a message for transmission to the receiving server.
The receiving server
                deserialises the message and invokes the service. The
results of the service are then
     returned to the sender as a serialised response. An example of a
sender's invocation may
                be price = getStockQuote("ORCL",  "1/1/97").

XML Technology and Messaging,
IBM UK Ltd, Hursley Park,
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Notes Id: John Ibbotson/UK/IBM

Received on Monday, 29 January 2001 15:18:47 UTC