www-xsl-fo@w3.org from September 2001 by subject

Background-image question

Embedding an external document


FOA (Formatting Object Authoring tool)

FOP 0.20.1 and new methods

Generating a PDF from XML document with embedded formatting

How to print OCR-A 12 pitch true type font from FO

page-position "first" "rest" and "last"

Positioning external-graphics

Problem with position of external-graphic

problem with table formatting and inline background color

Status of XSL 1.0 is now Proposed Recommendation

table rotated

Troubles using another font and printing

Typesetting in columns

Watermarks, background images, animated gifs

XSL FO and the generation of "change bars"

xsl:fo style sheet example.

XSL:FO Total Page count

Last message date: Friday, 28 September 2001 03:53:36 UTC