RE: XSL FO and the generation of "change bars"

The generation of change bars in PDF through XSL FO stylesheets can be
accomplished through ArborText. This XML editing software allows the
user to set the revisionflag attribute in elements to "changed" from
within the XML editor (by positioning the cursor on the element in the
left panel and pressing CTRL-A). ArborText provides sample XSL FO files
to generate output with change bars. In order to generate output in PDF
using the XSL FO file, I have found a PDF conversion tool on the RenderX
site called "XEP Rendering Engine" (
This nifty looking utility is supposed to convert your XML file
containing tagged "changed" attributes to PDF format, using the FOS file
to render the change bars. I haven't had time to experiment with this
tool, but plan on doing this as part of my ongoing project to implement
change bars in XML using a stylesheet. If anyone does produce
satisfactory PDF output with change bars using this tool or another
tool, please share your findings with the list. I will do the same if I
get there first.

Received on Thursday, 6 September 2001 21:33:07 UTC