problem with table formatting and inline background color

I am using FOP0.201 and I find these 2 features are not working. I would 
appreciate if anyone can tell me if they are not supported or I am not using 
them correctly.
1. The following code for having background color for text is not working.
<fo:inline background-color="blue">Explain how to avoid the 
2. The table formatting below causes the word "Caution" to be printed over 
the table border. I want the text to be inside the table cell.
<fo:table-column column-width="189.49mm"/>

<fo:table-cell width="231.09mm" height="17.29mm" border-style="solid" 
<fo:block text-align="justify">
<fo:block text-align="justify" padding-bottom="1pt" 
border-top-width="medium" border-top-style="none" 
border-bottom-width="0.75pt" border-bottom-color="black" padding-top="0in" 
border-bottom-style="solid" padding-right="0in" border-right-width="medium" 
padding-left="0in" border-left-width="medium" border-right-style="none" 
<fo:block text-align="center" padding-bottom="0in" border-top-width="medium" 
border-top-style="none" border-bottom-width="medium" padding-top="0in" 
border-bottom-style="none" padding-right="0in" border-right-width="medium" 
padding-left="0in" border-left-width="medium" border-right-style="none" 
width="9.54mm&#10;	     " height="8.39mm&#10;	     "/>
<fo:inline font-size="16.65pt">
<fo:inline font-weight="bold">CAUTION</fo:inline>

<fo:block text-align="center">
<fo:inline font-weight="bold">EQUIPMENT DAMAGE</fo:inline>

<fo:block text-align="center">
<fo:inline background-color="yellow">Explain type of equipment damage and 
what consequencesof not avoiding the damage are.</fo:inline>
<fo:inline background-color="blue">Explain how to avoid the 


I would appreciate if someone can help me.


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Received on Thursday, 6 September 2001 20:49:03 UTC