Some about facets etc...


I have some questions about facets in XML Schema Datatype. And I think
they need to be clearfied before spec. becoming REC.

1. Is the encoding of enumerated values an encoding of base-type, or an
encoding of that type? Other facets such as minInclusive or maxInclusive
are constrainted by the value space of base-type. So I think it should be
an encoding of the base-type.

In that case, is it error to specify enumeration facets to the type which
is directly derived from binary which has no encoding facet?

2. Are facets that constraint value space of base-type, such as
minInclusive, maxInclusive, constainted by lexical representation of base-

For instance, is it error to define a type which is derived from integer
whose minInclusive facets is "1.0" ? In value space, does "1.0" equal to 1

In addition, are these facets constrainted by pattern facet of base-type?

3. How does pattern facet constraint "value space" of numeric types such
as float or double? It seems that pattern facets constraint "lexical

4. How do I expand the value which type is QName to namespace uri and
local name? Shall I use the namespace declarations where the value appears
in XML document? I think it need to be clearfied.


Satoshi Nakamura <>
Infoteria Corporation

Satoshi Nakamura <>
Infoteria Corporation

Received on Friday, 9 March 2001 10:10:03 UTC