Re: Fwd: Re: DAML-S ProcessModel

On Sunday 18 May 2003 23:56, Sudhir Agarwal wrote:
> Re: DAML-S ProcessModel
> From: Bijan Parsia <>
> To:
> ---- Original message ----
> >Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 17:45:31 +0200
> From: Sudhir Agarwal <>  
> >Subject: DAML-S ProcessModel  
> >To:
> >
> >
> >Dear all,
> >
> >i currently can not understand the purpose of the
> ProcessModel completely. I
> >understand why an AtomicProcess is needed. But, why does
> ComplexProcess
> >exist?
> To support choreography, composition, simulation, verification
> and similar activities.

OK. And How? What is the difference between choreography and composition?

> > Isn't it enough to have only AtomicProcess?
> Nope.


> >Why should a web service
> >provider show how his services works?
> Because I, the client, might have need to coordinate with
> different phases of some one of his services. For example, if
> some step of the service requires feedback, authorization,
> etc. from me, I might want to know when to look for such
> requests. If it involves transfer of money, I may have fairly
> complex arrangements to make for this.

Requirements of a web service belong in the preconditions. If a client only 
what to know which services participate in a complex service, it is enough to 
specify a list of participating services. Why all these constructs like 
if-then-else, while etc.?

> Also, the APs need not be all from the same provider. In our
> planning work, we use composite processes as receipes for
> putting together a sequence of APs from (possibly) different
> providers.
> Indeed, with automated compositoin, the complex service might
> not *exist* until a specific request is made.
> > On the other hand, im not sure that a
> >web service requester is interested in knowing all that
> (if-then-else, while,
> >split, fork etc.) stuff as long as the service does what he
> wants.
> Also good for ad hoc programming. Also good for running the
> Composite process either on the client (remember, all the APs
> are already exposed on the web) or the server (but I may want
> to monitor progress to facilitate recovery) or distributedly.

how can a client run a web service, which is provided by someone else?
what do u mean by distributedly?  DAML-S uses WSDL for grounding. WSDL is 
mostly used to specify SOAP, Java RMI, EJB web services. None of them allows 
to distribute a complex plan.

> > Even if
> >someone really wants to know that, what can he do with that
> knowledge? Does
> >it help him in any way?
> See above for some suggestions :)
> >could someone help me?
> Don't know. This is my attempt, see if it works for you :)
> Cheers,
> Bijan Parsia.

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2003 03:58:48 UTC