Question concerning XSLT-Transformation in DAML-S 0.9

Hi all.
I have a question concerning the xsltTransformation property in the latest version(0.9) of DAML-S. I am not sure whether I understood it

Since a concrete action would be an instanciation of the Process defined in DAML-S the xsl-Tranformation should be working on this concrete instantiation. For the CongoProcess an action might look like this:

<!DOCTYPE uridef[
  <!ENTITY rdf     "">
  <!ENTITY rdfs    "">
  <!ENTITY xsd     "">
  <!ENTITY daml    "">
  <!ENTITY process "">
  <!ENTITY congoProcess "">

  xmlns:rdf =     "&rdf;#"
  xmlns:rdfs =    "&rdfs;#"
  xmlns:xsd =     "&xsd;#"
  xmlns:daml =    "&daml;#"
  xmlns:congoProcess = "&congoProcess;#"
  xmlns:process = "&process;#"
  xmlns =         ""

    <!-- input -->
    <!-- preconditions -->

If now for some reason Congo changed its wsdl-Interface to a single input parameter consisting of 
  <congoParam isbn="$isbn" signInInfo="$signInInfo">
    <!-- ... -->
We would then have to use xsl to transform the congoBuyBookISBN and the BuySignInInfo to the needed form, don't we. A stylesheet for this might look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
  <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"     
    xmlns:congoProcess = """
    <xsl:template match="/rdf:RDF/congoProcess:ExpressCongoBuy">
        <xsl:attribute name="isbn">
          <xsl:value-of select="congoProcess:congoBuyBookISBN" /> 
        <xsl:attribute name="signInInfo">
          <xsl:value-of select="congoProcess:congoBuySignInInfo" /> 
        <!-- some other things to do -->

This would mean that in order to generate this new parameter I would have to assemble the action in XML-Form (or at least the part concerning input and output) and transform this via XSL.

Please tell me if I totally misunderstood the proceeding.

Thanks in advance.

Jan Ortmann

University of Hamburg, 

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Received on Monday, 19 May 2003 17:07:08 UTC