Interchange result update.

I checked in a new version with the new Woden results, my stylesheet
updated to support the soap binding extensions and the safety extension.
(doesn't yet do the rpc extension).


Naturally, when there was a question I chose my implementation as the
baseline ;-).


Woden results appear to me to suffer from several problems:


1)       {safety} property is often missing.  I sent an issue on whether
this is a valid interpretation of the spec.

2)       When message content model is #none, Woden emits an invalid
<elementDeclaration ref="id-null"/> reference.

3)       When a binding doesn't specify an interface, Wodwn emits an
invalid <interface ref="id-null"/> reference.

4)       Woden often omits {soap underlying protocol}, though this is a
REQUIRED property in the spec.

5)       Some element declaration components still appear to be missing.


 [  Jonathan Marsh  ][
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Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2006 19:32:53 UTC