RE: interchange issue: empty properties vs. absent properties

If that is ALWAYS true - empty = absent - then that's fine, but I thought there were cases where empty != absent?
Tony Rogers
CA, Inc
Senior Architect, Development
co-chair UDDI TC at OASIS
co-chair WS-Desc WG at W3C


From: on behalf of Jonathan Marsh
Sent: Thu 25-May-06 3:22
Subject: interchange issue: empty properties vs. absent properties

The spec equates an empty property and an absent property.  I'm finding a few places in the interchange format where Woden generates an empty property, e.g. <elementDeclarations/>, while I simply omit this element.


Seems like the simplest solution would be to canonicalize such that empty properties (which may be all empty elements with no attributes) away - i.e. delete them during canonicalization.  Does that sound reasonable?


 [  Jonathan Marsh  ][ <>   ][ <>   ]


Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2006 20:38:33 UTC