Re: Sample Application described in WSDL using HTTP binding and s howing messages

On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 01:04:45PM -0700, David Orchard wrote:
> I really like the use of the hotel reservation service, and regularly championed it.  However, the problem that I see with the hotel scenario is that I don't think it is very amenable to a REST/HTTP centric interface.

Really?  I don't see any problem.

>  You basically need property/documentish things that can be read/written without side-effects, effectively "dead" properties as WebDAV calls them.

Not sure what you mean.

>  Reservations and flight availability etc. are not really modelled well as CRUD operations.

Agreed.  So it's a good thing REST isn't CRUD, eh? 8-)  CRUD doesn't
have an equivalent to POST, which is what you'd need here for document
processing.  For example, for this, it would seem you'd just POST a
hotel reservation form to a hotel reservation form processor.  Voila!

Mark Baker.   Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2004 22:07:47 UTC