Re: Normative rpc rules for encodingStyle attribute are missing i n Part 1

I included the list of rules in the draft earlier today.

Umit, can you take the action item to propose a solid list of
rules? What I proposed is a starter set ..


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Jordahl" <>
To: "'WS Description List'" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 8:53 PM
Subject: RE: Normative rpc rules for encodingStyle attribute are missing i n
Part 1

> I seem to recall that Sanjiva had the rules on a slide and I believed them
to be complete and correct, if not formally adopted.
> Can we review them at the F2F next week and get them final?
> --
> Tom Jordahl
> Macromedia Server Development
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roberto Chinnici [mailto:Roberto.Chinnici@Sun.COM]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 12:44 PM
> To: Umit Yalcinalp
> Cc: Jeffrey Schlimmer; WS Description List
> Subject: Re: Normative rpc rules for encodingStyle attribute are missing
in Part 1
> Umit Yalcinalp wrote:
> >
> > Looking at the latest part one doc, I don't see any of the rpc encoding
> > rules that we have worked on via email and at the last f2f. For an
> > outsider who reads the current document, there is no indication such
> > that there is (going to be) an established URI that indicates RPC style
> > encoding rules, and the set of rules that the operation (aka
> > messageExchange) must adhere to. I thought we decided to add the rules
> > and although the encodingStyle is optional, we also decided that the
> > (missing) rules, if the value is present, were normative.
> >
> > Am I missing something or has the spec not included the rules yet?
> The rules haven't been included yet. My recollection is that at the
> last face-to-face we agreed we'd define them in the spec, but that
> what we had at the time wasn't quite polished enough, so that we'd
> finalize them at the following face-to-face. I can add an editorial
> note before section 2.3.1 saying that we're waiting for the "RPC
> encoding style" rules to be defined. How does that sound?
> Roberto
> --
> Roberto Chinnici
> Java Web Services
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 18 September 2003 11:12:10 UTC