Attributes in WSDL

I do not agree with the direction we are taking with attributes in WSDL 2.0
working group. My reasons include:

a) Forcing the designer to use Get/Set operation pairs to denote attributes
results in a model of very fine grained access.
b) The approach is quite complicated, this reduces the
functionality/capability of tools to support this approach ubiquitously.
c) The approach does not allow/support addition of policy/meta-data
specifically associated with the attributes.

Therefore I request that the WSDL WG reconsider its position on attributes
and terminate this line of activity. The concept of attributes in Web
services should be done in another venue that would allow a simpler and
more complete treatment of this concept.

Steve Graham
(919)254-0615 (T/L 444)
STSM, On Demand Architecture
Member, IBM Academy of Technology
<Soli Deo Gloria/>

Received on Thursday, 30 October 2003 13:37:03 UTC