Re: RPC Style Issues Part (1) - spec updated

Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:

>I have updated replaced the "last sentence" referred to below with
>an entire paragraph that tries to capture our intent. Please
>read and let me know if it still requires clarification.

I don't see any changes in the editor's copy. Perhaps there is a problem ?

However, since there appears to be a confusion [1] as to what I was 
really asking for, I rewrote my suggestions incorporating all the 
rewording  proposal for the rules. Regardless of the discussions about 
the conformance that we need
agreement upon, please have a look [2]. I believe the wording is clearer 
on all the rules (no more "foo" mentioned, etc).




>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Umit Yalcinalp" <>
>To: "WS Description List" <>
>Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 10:05 AM
>Subject: RPC Style Issues Part (1)
>>I have reviewed the RPC rules [1] and found out the following problems.
>>-- The first paragraph of Section is extremely confusing. This
>>is primarily due to the presence of the last sentence in the first
>>paragraph because this sentence implies that the rules are not
>>normative. There are two issues that need to be clarified
>>(a) whether the rules that define a specific style are normative.
>>(b) whether they are required to be recognized by the WSDL processors.
>>This issue  has also been debated somewhat in the wg but not resolved in
>>our opinion.
>>It is Oracle's position that the last sentence must be removed to remove
>>this confusion.
>>I propose that the rules are be divided into two groups. The first group
>>explicitly states the schema and message content requirements that are
>>normatively defined and required. The second group are those that were
>>usually referred to as "hints" in the discussions.  The schema rules are
>>not hints, they are simply constraints that must be understood. They are
>>very minimal and do not pose a big burden on the WSDL processors.
>>Consequently, the schema constraints MUST be required to be understood
>>by all WSDL processors.
>>-- I tightened up the language a little bit. The editors would probably
>>choose to add further clarifications/additions to what I propose.
>>(Thanks to Schema speak).
>> Operation Style
>>An Interface Operation component contains a {style} property. This
>>property can only contain a URI value. However,  it is OPTIONAL for this
>>property to have a value. If  the {style} property has a value, this
>>implies specific rules that were used to define the {body} properties of
>>all {message reference}s within that component designated by the URI. If
>>this property has a given value, then the rules implied by that value
>>(URI) MUST be followed.
>>This specification defines the following pre-defined operation styles:
>>    *
>>      RPC Style (see RPC Style
>>    *
>>      Set-Attribute Style (see Set-Attribute Style
>>    *
>>      Get-Attribute Style (see Get-Attribute Style
>>   RPC Style
>>The RPC style is selected by assigning the Interface Operation
>>component's {style} property the value
>>Use of this value states that XML Schema [XML Schema: Structures
>>was used to define the schemas of the {body} properties of all {message
>>reference} components of the Interface Operation component. Those
>>schemas MUST adhere to the following rules.
>>    *
>>      The content model of input and output {body} elements are defined
>>      by using a complex type that contains a sequence from XML Schema
>>      [XML Schema: Structures
>>    * The sequence can only contain elements. It MUST NOT contain other
>>      structures such as xs:choice.
>>    *
>>      The sequence MUST contain only local element children.
>>    *
>>      The child elements MAY contain the following attributes,
>>      xsi:Nillable, minOccurs and maxOccurs.
>>    *
>>      The localPart of input element's qname is be the same as the
>>      Interface operation component's name.
>>    *
>>      The localPart of the output element's qname is obtained by
>>      concatenating the name of the operation and the string value
>>      "Response", i.e. concat(operation/@name,"Response").
>>    *
>>      Input and output elements MUST  both be in the same namespace.
>>Furhermore, this style is used to indicate that the messages in fact
>>capture a function signature. Hence, the following rules imply encoding
>>of function signatures.
>>    *
>>      The child elements of input and output respectively represent
>>      input and output parameters of an operation. (similar to the
>>      message parts in WSDL 1.1)
>>    *
>>      An input parameter is indicated if an element is a child of the
>>      input element and an element with the same name is not a child of
>>      the output element.
>>    *
>>      An output element is indicated if an element is a child of the
>>      output element and an element with the same name is not a child of
>>      the input element.
>>    *
>>      An in/out parameter of a function is designated by an element that
>>      occurs both as a child element in the input and the output elements.
>>Umit Yalcinalp
>>Consulting Member of Technical Staff
>>Phone: +1 650 607 6154
>>Umit Yalcinalp
>>Consulting Member of Technical Staff
>>Phone: +1 650 607 6154

Umit Yalcinalp                                  
Consulting Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +1 650 607 6154                          

Received on Sunday, 2 November 2003 17:25:26 UTC