Re: Proposal for the removal of the message construct from WSDL 1.2

Hi Gudge,

> Was discussed at FTF: 
> <xs:complexType name='foo'>
>   <xs:sequence>
>     <xs:element name='a' />
>     <xs:element name='b' />
>     <xs:element name='c' />
>   </xs:sequence>
> </xs:complexType>
> <wsdl:input type='foo' />

What is 'foo' the type of though? Wouldn't it be the type
of the SOAP:Body element? If so it conflicts with the
already existing XSD type of SOAP:Body .. one wouldn't
be able to validate with this for example. (Maybe I didn't
understand the answer.)

> Alternatively use named model groups:
> <xs:group name='foo'>
>   <xs:sequence>
>     <xs:element name='a' />
>     <xs:element name='b' />
>     <xs:element name='c' />
>   </xs:sequence>
> </xs:group>
> <wsdl:input group='foo' />

Hmm. I don't know enough about groups to know what that would 
mean .. does this amount to saying that the input can be 
described as a type, element *or* group now? That seems to be
making things worse, not better.

> soap:header already refers directly to element/type.

No, to a message. (?)

> Personally I'd model attachments using an element decl and figure out
> the actual serialization in the binding.

How would that relate to the <wsdl:input type=> thing? Where would it
go I mean. Also, what would you put as the type of the element decl?


Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 11:56:56 UTC