Re: Web Services Architecture Document

On Feb 1, 2004, at 1:36 PM, Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler) wrote:

> Just sort of intuitively I would think that in order to be an "upper
> level ontology" as you describe it would be nice if the thing were
> worked more extensively as an ontology than the WSA has been.


>   That is,
> I would imagine that you would want to have a pretty fair confidence
> that it could be used in unpredictable situations in that way,

Yes, among other things.

>  and I
> would think you would want to get such confidence by working with the
> ontology

And working with the more specific ontologies it's supports to support.

>  a fair amount and feeding back that experience into the
> definition of the WSA itself, and iterating as appropriate.  We did not
> do that, other than noting from the ontology certain logical
> inconsistencies or missing stuff.

Yep, one reason I think it's not "safe" to consider it as such.

Of course, it's a perfectly reasonable starting point.

Bijan Parsia.

Received on Sunday, 1 February 2004 14:01:26 UTC