[RTF]First Meeting Notes

Notes below. Thanks to Ayse for taking the notes.

Sterling Commerce   

Meeting 1: June 4, 3-4PM CST. Reliability Task Force, WSAWG

Suresh Damodaran 
Ayse Dilber
Zulah Eckert
Hao He
Heather Kreger

Notes taken by Ayse Dilber.
Summary: Suresh Damodaran

Tentative scope of D-AG002 - reliability & manageability of Web services
SLA for the parking lot for now, SLA could use D-AC018.
D-AC007 is out of scope for RTF, rather fits in D-AG006.
Before proposing this change to WSA, the team will define/refine D-AC007 to
the team.
Team will concentrate on D-AC018 & 19 after moving D-AC007 out of the way.

Suresh:  Let's start from Reliability TF Scope and rewording of 002

Scope:  to refine D-AG002 including the wording
Do we see this QoS
Zulah: at the f2f we discussed RASM those would be supported by the
Heather: adding SLA to our scope is out of the scope of the group,
architecture should be able to support RASM and SLA negotiations should be a
separate line item. SLA requires great deal of description, legal and
Hoa: SLA could be a use case
Ayse: could we find a common ground to include some of the aspects of SLAs
in our discussion?
Heather: develop some sort of a model, ie information model.  
Suresh:  is it possible to make this informational model part of our scope?
Zulah:  it is reasonable for us to create a model to convey how management
works for WS
Heather/Suresh: availability is a platform issue
Zulah:  produce a model for management and produce a conceptual model first
similar to conceptual model for XML to convey what we mean 
Heather:  I have difficulties how the architecture is going to represent
that, I see that it is a platform issue not an architecture issue.  Somebody
should convey to me how these would be included in the architecture. Agreed
with conceptual model for reliability.  
Hao:  likes the conceptual model for management
Zulah: remove the AC007 goals to the team goals
Ayse: I'd like to understand management information model.
Suresh: SLA is out of our scope; manageability is within the scope
Zulah; if we move 7 to team goals then I suggest we go in detail and resolve
the issues people have. We should make an effort to resolve the issues
people raised.  We need to make a proposal.
Suresh: should we do 18,19 first or 7? 
Zulah: get 7 out of our way first. Consensus on this action.
Suresh:  first action it to move 7 to team goals, will send a draft wording
on the scope. Consensus for the scope is we have reliability and
manageability.  Real wording will be done later. Next step to understand 7.
Anybody want to take a stab at 7?
Hao: we can discuss it now.   
Hao, Zulah, and Suresh went over the CSFs for 007 to understand the comments
and reliability & stability of architecture. "Over time" seems not
enforceable. Suresh explained the background.
Zulah: We could define these terms and make it available in glossary.
Zulah: Will send a pointer to SOAP conceptual model to the team.
Hao/Zulah will noodle some more and try to send refined wording for D-AC007

-----Original Message-----
From: Damodaran, Suresh 
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 11:14 AM
To: Damodaran, Suresh; 'Heather Kreger'; 'Hao He'; 'Dilber, Ayse,
Cc: 'www-ws-arch@w3.org'
Subject: [RTF]First Meeting agenda

Agenda for June 4 3-4PM meeting

1.  Roll call & Note taker assignment

2.  Brief discussion of the scope and wording of D-AG002

3   Discuss & approve a plan of action (based on what is below).

4.  Champions for specific goals.

Sterling Commerce   
         B2B done dependably

-----Original Message-----
From: Damodaran, Suresh 
Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2002 10:40 AM
To: 'Heather Kreger'; 'Hao He'; 'Dilber, Ayse, ALASO'; ECKERT,ZULAH
(HP-Cupertino,ex1); ECKERT,ZULAH (HP-Cupertino,ex1)
Cc: 'www-ws-arch@w3.org'
Subject: [RTF] Plan of action & background

Hi all,

Here is a proposed plan of action and some background material.
I will confirm the meeting time by Monday after receiving
input from all.

Sterling Commerce, Inc.

Plan of action & background:

The immediate references are [1a] & [1b]

1. Reword D-AG002 - first draft that is L based on comments. 
Some prelim. analysis is in [2], and philosophy from TLB in [3]

2. Do/redo D-AC007,18 & 19 wordings.

2. Rewrite CSFs for each D-AC (refine the existing ones, create new/delete
if needed)
Background materials [4],[5], [6]

3. Reword D-AG002, if necessary

4. Rewrite requirements for each CSF, reword corresponding CSF, if necessary

5. Reword D-AG002, if necessary

6. Propose to WSAWG

We can use a parking lot to place items that are out-of-scope in D-AG002
but we think are cool.

[1a] http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-wsa-reqs-20020429
[1b] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-arch/2002May/0127.html
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2002Mar/0309.html
[3] http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Evolution.html
[4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2002Apr/0016.html
[5] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2002Apr/0019.html
[6] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2002Mar/0391.html

Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2002 17:34:12 UTC