Re: Agenda and Logistics - WOWG telecon 1/29

I am travelling on Thursday, so I'm not sure I can make it. I will do
my best to join at some stage (beginning is most likely).


On January 27, Jim Hendler writes:
> AGENDA  Teleconference Web Ontology Working Group
> January  29,2004: 1200 (East US), 0900 (West US). 1700 (London)
> Duration: 90 min
> Phone: zakim conference bridge 1+617-761-6200, access 9326# (webo)
> IRC Chat: (port 6665), #webont
> Chair:  Schreiber or Connolly
> Scribe: Charles White
> 1.0 Admin
> Role Call
> Next Call:  February 12
> Chair:  TBD
> Scribe: TBD
> (please note - action review and technical issues
> postponed until after agendum 2.0)
> someone from the W3C team is expected to join and discuss OWL 
> recommendation and press release issues with us.
> 3.0 Approve minutes of last call  (Jan 16)
> accept
> 4.0 Action review
> ACTION: Sandro act as team contact for Sean's note
> DONE - and the note was released - congrats to Sandro and Sean!
> document:
> news item:
> ACTIONS on Semantic document will be discussed in agendum 5.0
> ACTION: Guus will produce a text to add in "Reference" explaining in more
> details the use of annotation
> Sean will check it
> ACTION: Jim to sollicit testimonials to members of the working group.
> ACTION: Sandro proposes format for document references
> ACTION: All the editors to send changes to Sandro from the documents
> referenced by the link above (or, if there are too many, send the new
> file to Sandro).
> DUE DATE: Friday 23rd January, 2004
> Week of January 26th, we will check the links on these documents.
> ACTION: Guus to coordinate with RDFCore chairs about that.
> 5.0 Semantics issues
> process:The WG can decide to make a suggestion to the Director that he
> consider minor changes (or that things not be changed in response
> to these issues)
> 5.1 WG to resolve the outstanding issue of sentence w/respect to XML Literal
> Ter Horst: "Proposal to add a sentence to S&AS"
> connected to:
> ACTION: Hermann, Jeremy and Ian to look at this and propose a decision.
> ACTION: Hermann to ask Jos De Roo opinion.
> 5.2 other semantics issues
> Carroll: "Proposed changes to RDF semantics document"
> Carroll:
> citing:
> and further connected to:
> ACTION: Ian to find a better phrasing to adapt/clarify the
> specification if necessary.
> ACTION: Ian to take a look at this as well.
> 6.0 AOB
> -- 
> Professor James Hendler
> Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
> Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
> Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  240-277-3388 (Cell)

Received on Wednesday, 28 January 2004 04:25:23 UTC